Saturday, August 24, 2013

About Acne Treatment and Healing

About Acne Treatment and Healing - Almost every teenage acne. Acne is the most common skin disorder in many parts of the world, usually before their 20th anniversary, have started timbuh acne. Even mild cases can cause emotional disturbances, and severe cases can potentially cause Acne scars . Fortunately, there are a variety of acne treatments that have been tested and the remedy was available.

Treatment and Healing in Acne

Significance Acne
Acne is mostly grown for four factors: excess oil in the sebaceous glands of skin, inflammation in the skin, the proliferation of acne-causing bacteria and clogged pores. Most of the acne treatments available to treat one or more of these four factors.

Type Treatment and Healing
without prescription acne treatments can treat all types of acne, from acne is mild to the most severe acne, but may be more effective to handle the type of mild acne. Most drugs can be found in stores contain benzoyl peroxide, a substance that can kill the bacteria that causes acne and also clear up acne lesions. Benzoyl peroxide has been used to treat acne for decades and is the most effective drug to a class of drugs without a prescription and OTC. But there are some effects of this drug is that it can cause dryness of the skin. Acetone and alcohol are also found in acne creams and lotions, and both have shown some effectiveness against acne penyebuhan.

Type Treatment and Healing More Deep
Some severe acne and regular tpengobatan not enough to treat the acne. In this case, dermatologists have prescribed various medications for severe acne and you could be attempting such treatment. Your doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics to clear the infection type or make acne medication benzoyl peroxide cream manifold stronger than what is available in the beauty shops. Prescription drugs to treat and cure severe acne ointment includes several types such as retinoids (the most famous is Retin-A or tretinoin), and drugs that can be taken such as isotretinoin. Isotretinoin is accompanied by the risk of serious side effects and should be done under strict supervision of expert doctors.

Procedure Treatment and Healing
doctor may combine the treatment of acne with procedures physically to overcome inflammation and cleanse the skin of acne. Laser therapy and light therapy is given in a series of treatments in a few months to completely cleanse the skin from acne attacks. Dermatologists themselves may also be doing the removal of whiteheads or blackheads are infected and also cystic acne.

Prevention Acne / Acne Solutions
Almost every case of acne can be treated. However, dermatologists warn in an effort to get rid of acne, even for mild acne, takes a long time. Each case of acne is different, and reacts to what people may not react to other people. In addition, some treatments, especially those that are available only through a doctor, also carries the risk of side effects. All treatments must be accompanied by carefully including acne prone skin gently wash twice a day with a soap that does not make your skin dry.

That's all About Acne Treatment and Healing

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