Strong Choosing a new or used home each has advantages and deficiencies that need to be considered.
Here are some advantages and disadvantages for those of you who are hunting your dream home and indecisive choosing a new or used home:
new home
- Building materials can be determined from the specification Design and shape of the building can be selected according to the desired Need a little improvement costs Easier treated new environmental facilities Purchasing cheaper. only to the development and the bank, or buy directly from the seller in cash. good investment value.
- location tends away from the center of activity When buying, building not yet exist. usually not formed a new environment and takes quite a long time to truly live. Public Facilities and the business district is not necessarily available Tax relatively more expensive. inverstasi greater risk. Socialization not run normally.
former Home
- building already standing The social environment has been established Regional Infrastructure is available. building and home price negotiable, especially if the owner needs money Building can be occupied immediately after the transaction.
- Tax relatively cheaper small investment risks Buyer due to more quickly adapt existing facilities
- Not much choice on the type, location, price. outdated banguan Design Removing the cost of repairs and maintenance. needed renovations to convert it. The Power of house construction if suidah exceed 20 years will decline. munurun building value in 20 years purchase a little more complicated than the new, because the certificate as well as the legality of land and buildings need to be checked first.
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