Hi, Friend, Health Tips. Have an ideal weight is the dream of all people. But in fact, many of us who turned out to have a body that is far from ideal. In this case, they have a body that is too thin or too fat instead. Especially for obesity, many factors or habits that caused it. So, what are the factors or bad habits that trigger obesity ...???
Friend, health tips. One of the habits that trigger obesity is eating fatty foods in excessive amounts. But not only that obesity triggers the habit. Health tips, this time will address an article about some of the bad habits that obesity itself is a trigger. Health tips. Following this, seven bad habits that lead to obesity are:
- Eating low fat foods in excessive amounts. This is because the slogan foods low-fat or fat-free. So we are not aware of having consumed a low fat diet is the amount of the excess. Thereby triggering the body fatness. Doing diet program without ever involving a nutritionist. Because involving the nutritionist can provide some alternative foods that are essential for doing a diet that you do. So the diet program that you can do in accordance with what you expect. The third bad habit that is often reduced hours of sleep a night you do. In this case, has a habit of sleeping less than 8 hours a day or every night. Reduced hours of your night's sleep can lead to weak penimbunana excess in your body.
subsequent bad habits that consume or drink soft drinks in excess amounts. In this case, drink one or two cans of soda per day increases the risk of obesity in your body. Having a bad habit is eating with a great hurry. This is because, eating in a hurry can add 66 calories in a person's body than those who eat slowly. The next bad habit that is very like to eat with a portion of the excess regardless of the ability of the stomach. This is a bad habit that will obviously lead to obesity in your body in a very short time. Having a bad habit that consume less water, especially water. This is because, the water can help the metabolism in your body. Drink six glasses of water per day can reduce 50 calories in your body. So it would be able to prevent you from obesity itself.
Good tips on health discuss some of the bad habits can trigger obesity useful for readers. Finally, a warm greeting from the author. (Source: Sidomi)
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