Friday, August 30, 2013

Best Way to Treat Acne when pregnant

Best Way to Treat Acne when pregnant is Beauty Tips Tricks I'm going to share with readers. You can you select a variety of options to treat acne during pregnancy, including self-care and treatment. Acne during pregnancy is not a special form of acne. Many women only seem to have problems with acne during pregnancy. Although it is not always clear what causes acne to get worse during pregnancy, the possibility of all it is more common in most women due to excess oil production (sebum) that occurs when certain hormones into your skin.

The Best Way to Treat Acne at Pregnant
class="tr-caption" Treat acne during pregnancy should not be random.

Treating Acne when pregnant start taking care of yourself

  • Wash your face twice a day.
  • If you have oily hair, shampoo and clean 2 days. Be careful and always keep the hair so as not to hit your face.
  • Avoid choosing, scratching, popping or squeezing acne sores. This habit can spread the infection and potentially lead to scarring. If you use cosmetics, use products that are free from oil. Look for descriptions such as water-based, noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic. Avoid placing your face resting on hand. It can trap the skin oils and sweat, which can irritate acne.

treat acne while pregnant

Drugs is the second way in treating acne during pregnancy. Each drug is applied to the skin or ingested can enter your bloodstream, so it's important to be careful during pregnancy. Erythromycin (Erygel) is often the drug of choice for acne during pregnancy. Azelaic acid (Azelex, Finacea) may be another option. Both drugs are usually applied to the skin as a lotion or gel and is available with a prescription.

Opinions about using benzoyl peroxide to treat acne pregnancy jumbled. There is little research on the safety of over-the-counter or prescription strength benzoyl peroxide during pregnancy, although this issue has not been reported. In addition, any drug that could potentially cause birth defects including isotretinoin and other retinoids, and minocycline, doxycycline, tetracycline and other generally avoided during pregnancy.

If you are worried about acne during pregnancy, consult with your dermatologist or health care providers who deal with your pregnancy. Together, you can consider the benefits and risks of various treatment options acne.

umpteen Best Way to Treat Acne when pregnant

A few posts I titled Best Way to Treat Acne when pregnant . Read also the article entitled Medical Procedures to Help Clean Skin of Acne. If anyone wants to ask about way to treat acne during pregnancy , please asked through the comments that have been provided below. Thanks buddy Punyatrik, do not forget to help me share this article Punyatrik ya buddy.

6 Quick Tips To Not Senile Or Often Forgotten

Hey guys, health tips. Having a good memory is a dream of all people. But on the other hand, there are some of us who often forget to remember the important things in our lives. The age factor is one of the frequent causes us to forget at some point. Many people who call it dementia symptoms. Is there ever having forgotten or even often forgotten in some ways ....???. 6 Quick Tips To Not Senile or Often Forget.

Companions, health tips. Every human brain memory is increasingly decreases with growing age. We can see the fact, older people often say about the same thing over and over again without realizing it, he was told it had just. We also saw old people always forget to put stuff that he put himself. But the truth is not the only parent who develop symptoms or dementia forget it. Many of us who have a relatively young age is also often forgotten or senile. Therefore, health tips this time will address an article on 7 tips to avoid senile or often forgotten. Here are 7 tips to avoid senile or often forget:

  1. First tip is to do brain exercises. Brain exercises we can do with the way we train the brain to remember something. Like you said 10 school friend who is very close to you, mentioning 10 song titles that you enjoy doing at this time or other things that you can set yourself. The point is trying to remember to remember something that you knew before.
  2. Tips latter is to consume a variety of foods that are beneficial to nourish your brain. The foods such as blueberries, fruit bits, red onions, broccoli and bananas. These foods are very good for your brain menurtisi order not senile or often forgotten.
    Tips that third drink water that is 6 -8 glasses of water a day. Because water can help the whole function of organs work more optimally. In this case the function of our brain will function better if we drink 6 -8 glasses of water a day.
    Tips fourth is your brain rest. This can be done with enough sleep. Sleep functioning brain to rest and regenerate. So when awake, our brains become fresh and fresh again.
    Tips of the fifth is to relax your brain when you have to think hard and had a headache. Doing activities that you like when you're hit by stress is a way to relax your brain. Tips sixth is by doing brain teasers. Brain Teasers is the work crossword puzzles that can be found in bookstores or newspapers or newspapers.
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  • So called health tips 6 tips to avoid senile or often forgotten. Hopefully this time the health tips can be useful to the reader. Finally, a warm greeting from the author. (Source: alwaystrendy).
    Image courtesy of Victor Habbick at

    7 Easy Tips to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

    Hey guys, health tips. Health became an invaluable treasure for us. This at a time when we can feel the pain condition. For if we are sick will spend time and money is not small. Therefore, we must keep our health especially kidneys.

    Companions, health tips. Kidney is a vital organ in our body. This is because fungis kidney as the organ that plays an important role in regulating acid-base balance, regulation of blood pressure, stimulates the bone marrow to make red blood cells, helps maintain calcium for bones. Once the magnitude of the role of kidneys for our bodies. Health tips this time will discuss How to Maintain Kidney Health Smart:
    1. Adjust your diet is a powerful tips to maintain and care for your kidney health. Choose foods such as fruits, vegetables planted without chemical fertilizers (organic) and stay away from processed foods, reduce excessive salt intake, and consume fish or white meat without fat.
    2. Keeping digestion is a step are encouraged to maintain the health of your kidneys. This can be done by increasing the consumption of probiotic and prebiotic foods and foods rich in fiber which has or is reasonably high. Stop the habit of smoking is the very next step recommended to maintain your kidney health. This is because, the nicotine in cigarettes plays an important role in renal impairment will experience. Stop of alcoholic beverages now. Is in because the alcohol would be bad for the health of your kidneys. because the resulting increase in blood pressure in your body that ultimately result in kidney disorders you. Drink water according to the needs of our bodies. in this case 6-8 glasses a day. It is very good to maintain and care for your kidney health. Diligent exercise is the easiest tips to maintain the health of your kidneys. in this case can be done such as walking or running every morning. Try not to consume or even avoid some of the antibiotic and anti-pain medication. This is because you can damage your kidneys or consult on the use of the drug to the medical specialist first.
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  • Hopefully that addresses health tips How to Maintain Kidney Health Smart can be useful and useful to the reader. Finally, a warm greeting from the author. ( Source: From various sources).
    Image courtesy of dream designs at

    This is the 7 Drinks That Nourish Your Body

    Hi, friend, health tips. Food and drink are the two elements that are essential for the survival of human beings in particular. When the stomach was already full, then drink a glass of water is one of necessity. Benefits of water itself, which helped to facilitate the digestive process in our body and other benefits in addition to nourish your body naturally relieve thirst. But you know, there are a few drinks besides water that can nourish your body anyway ...????

    Friend, health tips. Apparently there are a few drinks that nourish your body and can prevent you from various diseases that attack your body. Therefore, health tips this time will summon an article relating to it. friends, health tips. Here are 7 drinks are healthy your body:
    1. the first drink is green tea. Green tea is one of the drinks that are rich in flavonoids, polyphenols. antioxidants and fluoride. Function of flavonoids, antioxidants that melindungis polifeno and cells in your body from karzinogen (cancer causing substances) and inhibit tumor growth. While the fluoride content in green tea works to strengthen teeth and prevent damage to your teeth.
    2. Drinks that both the coconut water. Coconut water also includes one drink that nourish your body. This is because coconut water contains a lot of potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus and chloride which are substances that are needed by our body. Coconut water also helps expedite expenditure of urine us and diarrheal illness that we experience. The next round is the soup. Soup is also one of your body healthful beverage anyway because they contain a complete vitamin, mineral and also one of your body's energy generation. Next is lemon juice. Lemon juice is also one of your body healthful beverage. This is because lemon juice contains many vitamins and antioxidants that can refresh your body is already tired and weary. Soy milk, is also one of the drinks that nourish the body anda.Susu soybean contains soluble fiber and soy protein. These substances serve to lower bad cholesterol levels and subtracts the risk of cardiovascular disease.
      A glass of hot chocolate or warm. It is also one of the beverages that nourish your body as well. Brown has a relatively high content of polyphenols that may protect you from a heart attack and can also calm atmoshpere careful when drinking it.
      next drink is tomato juice. Tomato is one of the fruits that contain lots of antioxidants lycopene. the antioxidant lycopene which may decrease risk of lung cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic, colon, mouth, breast, and cervical cancer.
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  • Hopefully titled 7 health tips healthy drink that your body can benefit the reader. Finally, a warm greeting from the author. ( Source:, fitnessmagazine).
    Image courtesy of zirconicusso at

    Thursday, August 29, 2013

    Whitening Beauty Tips and Skin Care

    whitening beauty tips and skin care at this point is easy to get from the media, does not have to expensive treatments in the salon and spa namum course you can do it yourself at home with a natural and healthy way of course, because all of its ingredients using natural ingredients and do not contain chemicals that can harm the skin.

    Beauty Tips and Skin Care Whitening Face

    What woman does not want to have a beautiful face, white, smooth, soft, bright, and radiant, because the face is the main factor characteristic of a person . If we have a perfect face and clear skin, surely someone else would love to berdekan with us. But otherwise if our skin is not well maintained and not glow we feel cangung or embarrassed when meeting with others. But you do not need to worry, because on this occasion we will discuss about beauty tips and skin care whitening facial, below:

    following beauty tips face whitening and skin care you can try:

    Potatoes - Potato dishes not only material, but potatoes can also be used for the treatment of facial skin because it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. Potatoes can cure diseases of the skin and can also whiten skin naturally. The trick, peel and wash raw potatoes, then puree until smooth using a blender or grated, apply evenly to the face and wait until dry, then rinse and wash your face using warm water.

    Green Tea - Who knows that green tea can be used to treat and smooth the skin, as in tea contains vitamins and antioxidants that can make facial skin look fresh and bright look. The trick, mix the juice of green tea with a few drops of lemon juice, then use also oatmeal / cereal as much as 3 tablespoons of the entries to the green tea and lemon water that had been mixed. Apply evenly on the face while massaging the face gently in order to smooth blood circulation, then let sit for about fifteen minutes, then wash and rinse your face thoroughly.

    Hopefully some beauty tips whiten skin and care for at the top can be useful, and if done regularly then you will get the maximum results.

    Treatments Wood Flooring - Parquet

    Tips Around the Home. or commonly called wood floor parquet is usually used on the inside of the house / interior. so usually use less coating for interior waterproof, light and exposure to other weather matahahari.

    In an effort to care Wooden Floors - Parquet usually given coatings. Coatings are commonly used for wood flooring is lacquer, polyurethane or a mixture melamik. The use of polyurethane mixture melamik and more resistant to moisture, sunlight and weather exposure other than the use of conventional types of camphor.

    If your wood floors are the outdoors so much more exposed to moisture, sunlight and other weather exposure , you should provide protection and care to maintain its quality ekstara.

    For color selection camphor is used, the choice of the most appropriate course adjust the color of wood do you use in order to further reinforce the appearance of the wood fiber itself.

    Usually there is a type of wood flooring that has been specially packaged and has a guide for use and maintenance that you can use as a reference in setting up and maintenance of wood flooring.

    Wednesday, August 28, 2013

    Here's 7 Bad Habits Trigger Obesity

    Hi, Friend, Health Tips. Have an ideal weight is the dream of all people. But in fact, many of us who turned out to have a body that is far from ideal. In this case, they have a body that is too thin or too fat instead. Especially for obesity, many factors or habits that caused it. So, what are the factors or bad habits that trigger obesity ...???

    Friend, health tips. One of the habits that trigger obesity is eating fatty foods in excessive amounts. But not only that obesity triggers the habit. Health tips, this time will address an article about some of the bad habits that obesity itself is a trigger. Health tips. Following this, seven bad habits that lead to obesity are:
    1. Eating low fat foods in excessive amounts. This is because the slogan foods low-fat or fat-free. So we are not aware of having consumed a low fat diet is the amount of the excess. Thereby triggering the body fatness.
    2. Doing diet program without ever involving a nutritionist. Because involving the nutritionist can provide some alternative foods that are essential for doing a diet that you do. So the diet program that you can do in accordance with what you expect. The third bad habit that is often reduced hours of sleep a night you do. In this case, has a habit of sleeping less than 8 hours a day or every night. Reduced hours of your night's sleep can lead to weak penimbunana excess in your body.
      subsequent bad habits that consume or drink soft drinks in excess amounts. In this case, drink one or two cans of soda per day increases the risk of obesity in your body. Having a bad habit is eating with a great hurry. This is because, eating in a hurry can add 66 calories in a person's body than those who eat slowly. The next bad habit that is very like to eat with a portion of the excess regardless of the ability of the stomach. This is a bad habit that will obviously lead to obesity in your body in a very short time. Having a bad habit that consume less water, especially water. This is because, the water can help the metabolism in your body. Drink six glasses of water per day can reduce 50 calories in your body. So it would be able to prevent you from obesity itself.
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    Good tips on health discuss some of the bad habits can trigger obesity useful for readers. Finally, a warm greeting from the author. (Source: Sidomi)
    Image courtesy of AKARAKINGDOMS at

    Acne In Women Sex

    Pimples On Vagina - genital acne lady is a skin problem that is usually caused by changes in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Although fairly common condition among women, acne in the vagina can lead to women who are suffering feel shame, irritation, and an uncomfortable feeling on the part berjerwat. In general, acne in this case it is not harmful and can be treated with natural remedies.

    About Acne In Women Sex

    1 . Cause Acne Women Sex
    Acne can appear on parts of your body, including the vagina. There are many factors that play a role in the development of acne such as hormonal changes, certain soaps, stress, diet, the body's overproduction of oil, drugs and some medical conditions. In addition, adolescents experiencing puberty can cause acne on her pussy. Some acne can also be caused by bacteria in your pores leading to infection.

    2. Symptoms Acne Women Sex
    Symptoms of female genital acne is mostly red in color, and soft to the touch as it is inflamed bumps around the vaginal area. Pain and itching may accompany the affected areas of acne.

    3. Appearance Acne Women Sex
    emergence vaginal acne may be different for each individual. Acne mounds may look red and inflamed along the line of your underwear and have a whitehead or blackhead that appeared on the bump. Buildup in the skin cells mixed with oil that can cause parts of the pores in the lump clogged. In addition, dry skin can occur in some areas. Growing lump deep under the skin known as nodules and may be very painful.

    4. Acne Treatment Sex Women
    treatment for vaginal acne can consist of prescription acne medications such as benzoyl peroxide. Dikatakann that the acne treatment works by fighting against infection from bacteria, accelerate skin cell regeneration (renewal) as well as reducing inflammation itself. In addition, this treatment may take up to eight weeks to see improvement and results. Natural remedies that can be used to treat vaginal acne may include lavender essential oil is used as an antiseptic or Azadirachta indica that brought the anti-inflammatory properties and anti-bacterial. Consult with your doctor before trying to treat any skin condition.

    5. Warning Against Acne Vagina
    symptoms of certain sexually transmitted diseases like acne vagina. Genital herpes is a common disease acquired through sexual contact. Symptoms of genital herpes include bumps, blisters and pimples on or around the vaginal area that looks similar to acne vagina. If you are showing symptoms of vaginal acne, consult with your physician for diagnosis and treatment tept fast.

    That's all About Acne In Women Sex

    A few posts I titled Acne In Women Sex . If anyone wants to ask, please ask via the comments that have been provided below. Thanks buddy Punyatrik, do not forget to help me share this article Punyatrik ya buddy.

    Medical procedures can Help Clean Skin of Acne

    Medical Procedures to Help Clean Skin of Acne is a trick Beauty Tips which I will share with readers. Acne treatment medication is not directly suitable for everyone. If the prescription creams and antibiotics do not work for you or if you can not tolerate the side effects of the treatment, nda might consider acne treatments at your dermatologist. Treatment was started dar iBlue-light therapy for skin. Several types of medical procedures have been found to be an effective acne treatment for many people.

     Medical Procedures Helping to Clean Skin of Acne
    medical procedures to keep skin clear of acne.

    Regardless of where the acne treatment you use, try to keep realistic expectations is paramount. Acne can not be cured but only controlled. You will not see improvements from most treatments only in four to eight weeks. Maybe your acne appear worse before it gets better and heal.

    Light Therapy to Treat Acne

    The redness and swelling that can occur in acne is caused by a type of bacteria that can be killed by exposing your skin to the different types of light. Blue light is light with wavelengths most commonly used, although the combination of blue light and red light also seems to be effective.

    Before performing the procedure, light therapy, your doctor may give you medicine for your skin to be more sensitive to light . Several sessions are usually required treatment with light therapy. Side effects may include temporary redness, flaking and crusting in the treated area.

    Acne bacteria can also be killed with pulsed light and heat energy. This treatment also reduced the oil glands (sebaceous), which decreases oil production. Side effects include temporary redness in the treated area.

    Steroid injections for Treating Acne

    Steroid injections are most often used for nodules and cysts, two types of acne that cause large seta size painful lump below the skin surface. Types of acne can spend many weeks for treatment. After injection of steroids, acne lesions will evenly, and symptoms resolved within two to four days. Although effective, complications can include:

    • Thinning of the skin
    • The sight of small blood vessels on the surface of the skin change skin color lighter than usual

    Steroid injections are commonly used as a temporary or occasional repairs for stubborn acne lesions. This method is not used widely to treat acne because of the potential complications and the need to visit the doctor too often.

    Cosmetic Procedures for Treating Acne

    Chemical peels and microdermabrasion may be helpful in controlling acne. This cosmetic procedure that has traditionally been used to reduce the appearance of fine lines, sun damage, and scars on the face. This treatment is most effective when used in combination with other acne treatments.

    • Chemical peels . Mild acid is applied to your skin help remove dead skin cells, unclog pores and remove whiteheads and blackheads. Chemical peels can also trigger the growth of new skin. Side effects can range from temporary redness, blisters, scaling and crusting to scarring, infection and abnormal skin coloration.
    • microdermabrasion . This type of treatment involves a hand-held device that blows crystals onto the skin. These crystals gently abrade or "polish" the skin's surface. Then, a vacuum device removes the crystals and skin cells.

    If your skin tends to form excessive scarring, such as keloids, chemical peels or microdermabrasion can make your skin worse. So make sure everything is up to you to know all about your skin.

    A few Best Way to Treat Acne when pregnant

    A few of my posts entitled Medical Procedures to Help Skin Net of acne . If anyone wants to ask about medical procedures in order to treat acne clear skin , please inquire via the comments that have been provided below. Thanks buddy Punyatrik, do not forget to help me share this article Punyatrik ya buddy.

    Eliminating Acne Scars

    Eliminate Acne Scars is Beauty Tips Tricks I'm going to share with readers. Acne pimples again again, maybe it is your mind that you are exposed to new and confused how to eliminate acne breakouts. acne scars again acne scars again, perhaps it is your mind that you have been missing but the acne causing injury or acne scars. Eliminate acne scars might be quite frustrating for most people, but whenever possible I'll share a trick to remove acne scars to the reader as well.

     Acne Scars Eliminate
    class="tr-caption" Eliminate acne scars vary kind of way.

    kind of - kind of way Eliminate Acne Scars

    There are two ways to eliminate acne scars. The trick was nothing to be done at home or by going to a dermatologist and facial. There is a traditional way and there is a modern way. All depends on the way you want to apply where.

    Natural Ways to Eliminate Acne Scars

    I will be sharing with you an article about natural ways to remove acne scars using natural ingredients with no chemicals at all. The following are examples of articles natural way to remove acne scars.

    1. Eliminate acne scars using lemon
    2. Eliminate papaya acne scars Eliminate acne scars with pineapple Eliminate acne scars with rice water

    Modern Way To Eliminate Acne Scars

    In addition to the natural way of eliminating acne scars , I will also share with you an article about modern way to remove acne scars use chemical medicines potent tnamun remove acne scars.

    Interesting and useful article about Acne Stone

    Here is a related article beauty tips tricks and acne scars

    1. Eliminate Acne Scars
    2. Eliminate Acne Scars Naturally Eliminating Acne Scars Using Lemon
    3. Eliminating Acne Scars Using Papaya
    4. Eliminating Acne Scars Using Pineapple Eliminating Acne Scars Using Water Rice

    A few of Eliminating Acne Scars

    A few of my posts entitled Eliminate Acne Scars . Read also my article entitled Eliminating Acne Scars Naturally. If anyone wants to ask, please ask via the comments that have been provided below. Thanks buddy Punyatrik, do not forget to help me share this article Punyatrik ya buddy.

    Choosing New or Used Homes

    Choosing a new home or a used
    Choosing a new or used home before buying a home. In today's world in the search for your dream home, we have encountered many housing ads. Both print and cyberspace. The house is offered not only new homes but also homes that have been previously occupied or existing home.

    Strong Choosing a new or used home each has advantages and deficiencies that need to be considered.

    Here are some advantages and disadvantages for those of you who are hunting your dream home and indecisive choosing a new or used home:

    new home


    • Building materials can be determined from the specification
    • Design and shape of the building can be selected according to the desired Need a little improvement costs Easier treated new environmental facilities Purchasing cheaper. only to the development and the bank, or buy directly from the seller in cash. good investment value.


    • location tends away from the center of activity
    • When buying, building not yet exist. usually not formed a new environment and takes quite a long time to truly live. Public Facilities and the business district is not necessarily available Tax relatively more expensive. inverstasi greater risk. Socialization not run normally.

    former Home


    • building already standing
    • The social environment has been established Regional Infrastructure is available. building and home price negotiable, especially if the owner needs money Building can be occupied immediately after the transaction.
    • Tax relatively cheaper
    • small investment risks Buyer due to more quickly adapt existing facilities


    • Not much choice on the type, location, price.
    • outdated banguan Design Removing the cost of repairs and maintenance. needed renovations to convert it. The Power of house construction if suidah exceed 20 years will decline. munurun building value in 20 years purchase a little more complicated than the new, because the certificate as well as the legality of land and buildings need to be checked first.
    Happy hunting your dream home and choose a new or used home you.

    Tuesday, August 27, 2013

    Here's 7 Super Fruits For Your Health

    Hi, friend, Health Tips. Health is the most important thing we have to consider more seriously. Various food we eat every day should we think about the implications for the health of your body. Many of these foods may contain ingredients that could be harmful to the health of your body's organs. So from now, start by eating a healthy-foods for your body, one of which fruits. Then, fruit anything that has great benefits for your health .....?????

    Friend, health tips. turns vegetables and fruits that surround us contain ingredients that are beneficial to the health of your body. Therefore, health tips this time will summon an article related to fruits that are beneficial to your health. Here are 7 super fruit for your health:
    1. Fruits of family berries such as strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are fruits very beneficial for your health. The fruits contain lots of high levels of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins serves to protect the cells in your body from free radicals that are dangerous to your body, reducing your blood pressure is significan, sharpen eyesight, suppress the spread of cancer cells in your body is also able to prevent various diseases such as cancer, heart, and diabetes.
    2. The second super fruit is an apple. Apple apparently has a very large part to the health of your body. Apples contain many flavonoids which serves to reduce the risk of heart disease. For those of you who do not want to have high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels, eating apples is the best solution that you can do for your health.
      The third super fruit is grapefruit. Grapefruit is one variant of the citrus fruit. This fruit contains vitamin C and lycopene. Function of lycopene which is to lower the risk of heart disease, suppress the growth of tumors. Grapefruit also contains phytonutrients that works to fight various cancers that attack your body such as cancer of the mouth, skin, lung, breast, stomach and intestines. super fruit next is papaya. Papaya apparently contains many antioxidants, vitamin E, C and papain. Antioxidants, vitamin E, and C is very good for your heart health. Papain while beneficial to help reduce inflammation in your body. The fifth is a super fruit kiwi fruit. Kiwi fruit contains vitamin C which can meet our daily vitamin C requirement. Kiwi fruit also plays an important role in preventing cancer. By consuming 2 to 3 kiwi fruit per day can help prevent cancer. Another benefit of kiwi fruit that reduce blood clotting, avoid stroke. super fruit that sixth is watermelon. Watermelon is apparently rich in vitamins, lycopene B and amino acids. B vitamins and lycopene function for the production of energy for our bodies. Amino acids serve to maintain the health of your heart and strengthens the immune system. super fruit that seventh is bananas. Bananas contain potassium which turned out much beneficial to help lower blood pressure and protect your heart. Bananas also contain fructooligosaccharide, which is a prebiotic that can help boost your body's ability to absorb various nutrients that the body needs, including calcium and help good bacteria in the digestive tract in the process of food digestion in your body.
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  • Good tips on health, entitled 7 super fruits for your health can be beneficial to the reader. Finally, a warm greeting from the author. ( Source: cncahealth).
    Image courtesy of adamr at

    7 Benefits of Naked Sleep For Your Health

    Hey guys, health tips. If health is the most important thing in your life. Sleeping with naked then one you try a decent alternative. This is because, every activity we do that will we be able to run up to the condition of the body is always healthy.

    Companions, health tips. Various ways will be achieved by you, to keep fit and primed at all times to carry out activities that you like and work that you undertake. Of keeping your diet every day, eating nutritious foods or even eating a variety mulitivitamin or the other as a business so that we are always in good health always. Health tips this time will discuss the health benefits of sleeping naked for you:

    1. With sleep naked, then we will feel more comfortable.
    2. With comfort we feel , then all parts of our body will feel more relaxed. With the condition of the body is relaxed then we will sleep more soundly plus we will get quality sleep. Sleep naked body is healthy we. With sleep naked, then feeling tired, weak, and we will not feel tired anymore. This is because we do sleep naked at night is superb. So it is good for health and impact your day-to-day activities in the morning. With sleep naked at night in the trust is able to relieve the stress that we experience after a long day.
    3. The sleep naked also able to nourish your mind that is being hit by a lot of trouble all day.
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    So it would not hurt you to try to sleep naked every night as a cheap tips to try to earn your own body's health. Interested in trying out tips sleep naked at night ....????. health tips hopefully entitled to health benefits of sleeping naked you can be useful for all readers. Finally, a warm greeting from the author. (Source: gatelitel, kunjunganartikel). Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at

    Monday, August 26, 2013

    Tips To Keep Body Endurance Always Healthy

    Having a healthy body is the desire of every person, including you. By staying healthy, MKA activities we do can run smoothly and in line with our expectations. By Healthy anyway, so we do not have to spend time and money to buy drugs or go to the hospital. So we should always be grateful to the deliciously healthy Almighty God that is given to us all.

    Friend, health tips. Healthy size that is when we are able to keep the immune system from disease attack that always hits such as fever, flu, cough and others. Then how we can keep the immune system the right to keep it healthy and fit every day ....???. The following health tips are tips keep the immune system to keep it healthy:
    1. enough rest every day, is one of the factors to keep your immune system .
    2. In a healthy body there is a calm mind and healthy too. So try to always think positive to all the problems that hit us. Every morning, try to always do regular exercise. It aims to maintain the condition of the body to keep it fit and healthy. Always make sure that the food you eat is already in hygienic or clean or wash with thoroughly cooked perfect. Eat reasonable portion do not overdo it. In fear of your body will be obese and at risk of disease associated with overweight or obesity. Fill fibrous foods every day. Fibrous foods are apples, carrots and nuts. This is the function of fiber foods keep the body from bacteria. Meet the needs of vitamin D. Because vitamin D is working to stimulate immune cells to ward off viruses and bacteria. Vitamin D can be found in sunlight, eggs, liver and fish.
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    7 Tips to Avoid Cancer From Cell Phone Radiation

    Hi, Friend, Health Tips. Communication has become more highly developed and sophisticated in this era. Since the communication devices called mobile phones, we become more easily connected with the people closest we love without having to meet face to face. Perhaps the author can only say, kta should be more grateful to live in the era of highly sophisticated at this point. But, you should know, there was a negative side to the cell phone / mobile phone.

    Companions, health tips. According to the World Health Organization (WHO): Cell phone use can increase of possible cancer risk. From the revelation of the WHO concluded that mobile phone use can increase the chances of developing cancer. But we can not discard or not to use cell phones to communicate in order to avoid the cancer. Therefore, health tips this time will address a related article with tips to avoid cancer from cell phone radiation. Companions, health tips, Here's 7 tips to avoid cancer from cell phone radiation:
    1. You should use a headset when talking on the phone / mobile phone that you have. This is to keep the radiation source on the phone from your head.
    2. You should better utilize SMS (Short messange Service) on the mobile phone to connect with the people closest to you than to call him directly. It also aims to keep phone radiation source of your head. If you are not using a headset during a call, try not to talk on the phone too long. It is also intended to make you not too long exposed to the radiation source during a call using the phone. Do not use or call a friend on your mobile phone when a weak signal conditions. Because when the phone signal is weak, the phone will try to find a signal with a bang. Thereby increasing the radiation of the phone which is not good for you, if exposed to radiation. Cell phone radiation increases when making a phone call. So try a little phone away from your ear when you call a friend over the phone, and bring your ketelinga when your friend's voice has been heard. With the aim of minimizing the radiation cell phone when you call. Try not to call anyone else when you are in a car or in the elevator. This is because, the phone will use more power or great when used in enclosed spaces such as metallized with conditions in the car or in the elevator. Tips seventh is buy cell phone / mobile phone with low radiation levels. This may be one alternative that you can take to reduce radiation hazards that may befall you through the use of the mobile phone.
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  • Good tips on health, entitled 7 tips to avoid cancer from cell phone radiation can be beneficial to the reader. Finally, a warm greeting from the author. (Source: everydayhealth).
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    Natural Way and Effective in the treatment of acne

    Natural and effective way in the treatment of acne - There is a frequently asked question when we break out, is there a natural way that is effective in treating acne. Here are some natural acne treatments that may be helpful in reducing inflammation and reduce your acne.

     How Natural and Effective in the treatment of acne
    class="tr-caption" Treat acne naturally.

    Treatment and Topical treatment

    • Tea tree oil . Gels containing 5 percent tea tree oil may be as effective as lotions containing 5 percent benzoyl peroxide, although tea tree oil may work more slowly. Tea tree oil can cause a skin reaction known as contact dermatitis. There are also some concerns that topical products containing tea tree oil may cause breast development in boys. Do not use tea tree oil if you have acne rosacea because it can aggravate the symptoms.
    • Alpha hydroxy acids . Acid naturally found in foods such as citrus fruits that help remove dead skin cells and unclog pores when applied topically. Alpha hydroxy acids can also repair and heal acne scars. This drug may also cause redness, mild skin irritation and stinging while. Azelaic acid. acid naturally found in whole grain cereals and animal products and have antibacterial properties. Azelaic acid cream with a content of 20 percent appears to be as effective as many other conventional acne treatments, including 5 percent benzoyl peroxide and oral tetracycline.

    Oral treatments

    • Zinc supplements . Zinc plays a role in wound healing and reduce inflammation, which can help improve acne. Mengonsum supplements and foods with zinc may reduce side effects, including bad taste in your mouth, and nausea. Zinc can also be added to lotions or creams and can reduce acne.
    • brewers yeast . A particular strain of yeast, called CBS 5926, seems to help reduce acne. Side effects of yeast that can cause migraines in susceptible people and can cause intestinal problems.

    A few Natural Way and Effective in the treatment of acne

    Further research is needed to determine the effectiveness and safety of long-term potential of natural acne treatments. If you're considering natural acne treatment, consult your doctor first. He can help you weigh the pros and cons of specific treatments.

    A few of my post entitled The Natural Way and Effective in the treatment of acne. If anyone wants to ask, please ask via the comments has been provided below. Thanks buddy Punyatrik, do not forget to help me share this article Punyatrik ya buddy.

    Sunday, August 25, 2013

    House painting tips

    paint the house
    Tips Around the House . You can consider house painting tips the following to get the maximum results paint work in your home.

    1. Keep your house painting work is done in the dry season so that the paint can dry better. Wall surfaces that are too wet during the rainy season is usually the main cause of many problems in the paint.

    2. If you use the services of carpenters, try to provide oversight in the process paint the house and communicate well, because it is not necessarily what you mean can be shared by your handyman.

    3. Ask your repairman to show examples of terms that digunakanya, terms such as washed painting, ragging, sponging and motif models may vary from one craftsman to another artisan. if for example, you can directly show the model house paint that you want.

    Saturday, August 24, 2013

    Easy Tips To Get Well When Sick

    Friend, Health Tips. Pain is a condition that was not expected by anyone including you. When sick, all the food we ate tasted bad even bitter, usual activities we do will not go smoothly or optimal. And many more things that we did not expect when our bodies in unstable condition or illness

    Friend, Health Tips. Top tip for us to recover from the pain that is taking drugs. This is the very tips recommended by everyone and are usually very proven effective. But you know, there are many tips that are not in the know if the people in a state hospital. Here are tips for a speedy recovery during illness:

    1. When you are sick, try to eat as usual if you need to be forced. It is useful to stabilize your body. Since we know, by the time we did not eat the pain will actually exacerbate the pain.
    2. When you are sick, try to drink enough water. This allows us hydrated when sick. Water is also very good for our bodies. Because our bodies need water in sufficient quantities.
      So if you are sick, take medicine is the most effective way to quickly recover accompanied by eating enough and drinking enough water so that your pain heal faster.
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  • Thus discuss health tips to tips for a speedy recovery during illness. This time hopefully useful tips for readers. The end of the warm greeting from the author. (Source: From various sources).
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    How to Care Hair, Skin, and Body Women

    way hair care, facial skin, body and woman is classified as very troublesome thing, because all women would want to have a perfect body, of course. But when this is no longer a bother, because it has lots of tips and hair care treatments, skin contained in a variety of media that can be obtained easily. It would be very easy if you can not do it yourself at home with ease without having to travel frequently everywhere.

    How to Care Hair, Skin, and Body Women

    Here are tips on how to care hair, skin, and body of a woman

    Care Hair - Hair is a crown for every woman, to have beautiful hair, thick, and healthy also, of course, must diligently perform maintenance. One of them is by using aloe vera (aloevera), take aloe slime on the way to break it and then apply evenly to all parts of the hair especially on the scalp, massage and then leave for more than fifteen minutes, then rinse and wipe to clean, because if it is not clean will cause itching on your scalp. Hair care can also use green tea water, pecans, celery, olive oil, etc.. Use the right shampoo for your scalp, also do not tie your hair too tight as it could invite loss.

    How Prawatan Skin - Face is the hallmark of every individual, because everyone would want to have a white face , smooth, and clean. Treatment can be done by using a facial cleanser but routine as recommended by beauty experts, regularly use a moisturizer if it is outdoor activities, routine use of masks (highly recommended to use natural masks), and vitamin E also regularly consume enough water. Treatment can also use lemon juice, honey, olive oil, and salt water immersion.

    How Female Body Care - Not only the face, of the women also want a smooth skin, white, and clean the body them. One of them is by doing routine maintenance, which is simple and natural treatments can be done from the start using a soap that has a low pH and also smooth, consume lots of water, regular use of a moisturizer for the skin, vitamin routine, getting enough sleep and rest, food consumption nutritious, avoid smoking, regular body scrubs using natural materials, and many other ways her.

    That way tips hair care, facial skin, and the body of a woman , may be and a source of useful information for you all.

    Clean water and healthy

    Clean water and healthy
    water clean and healthy is one of the basic needs of day-to-day for each house, the water clean, clear and colored not needed in every home from washing, cooking, drinking and bathing water.

    In most places the current water demand is increasing while the quality of health and cleanliness of the water decreases.

    Sarat clean water and healthy

    Water has several loaded that must be met to be considered as clean water and healthy, so it can be used as drinking water and water needs of households.

    physical Sarat

    physical laden water is clean and healthy can usually be known directly through their physical appearance such as:

    • Water does not contain certain smell and taste.
    • not colored, clean and clear.
    • water temperature equal to room temperature.

    chemical Sarat

    Sarat chemical clean water and healthy is not to contain harmful substances in the size of certain levels.

    biological Sarat

    water quality biologically if in it there are no organisms, germs and bacteria exceed defined limits, these limits are:

    • In 1 cc of healthy drinking water there are only less than 100 germs.
    • In 100 cc of clean drinking water can not be contained E. coli bacteria that can cause indigestion.
    • healthy drinking water well can not contain other bacteria that carry diseases such as thipus, cholera and dysentery.

    clean water source

    usual source of clean water comes from rain water, water treatment and purification such as plumbing or piped water, wells and springs. Usually determine the quality of water sources.


    In some places the rain water is usually obtained by direct rainwater in tanks, rain water is usually used if the area is not obtained sources other than rain water.

    glance looks clean rainwater rainwater but usually contain dust and small particles are carried by air.

    Tap water or PAM

    Air PAM is usually derived from the treatment and purification of water sources such as rivers or boreholes, as a result of processing and purification of tap water quality is usually influenced by the processing and the source from which the water comes.

    Where did it originate tap water should affect how the processing and purification techniques are performed. In some places tap water comes from wells drilled but not infrequently treated and cleaned water from the river.

    Well water

    There is a kind of shallow wells and artesian wells:

    • well water obtained by digging into the ground to get the springs are usually called shallow wells.
    • artesian wells were usually made a way to drill into the ground to a depth of 50 meters or more.

    deep water wells which typically affects the quality of their produce, the more in the clean water is obtained.


    In an unspoiled area usually there are springs, the water drawn from springs tend to be healthy and can be directly used for household needs.

    water purification

    For those of you who are less fortunate get a less clean water based or physical observation of the results of tool checks the water quality, water purification can be carried out mechanism to process less water to be clean and healthy water and healthy with certain water purification mechanism is appropriate.

    6 Easy Tips to Keep Younger And Healthier

    Hi, Friend, Health Tips. Youth is a dream of every person, including you. This is because, when the age is an adult, there are many signs of aging on our skin. Signs such as the existence of wrinkles, fine lines on the bottom of the eyes, skin feels dull and loose skin visible. Then, is there any easy tips to stay young is easy ....????

    Friend, health tips. There are so many healthy tips that we can do to stay youthful look. Healthy lifestyle is a step that you can do to stay young in a healthy way as well. Therefore, health tips this time will make some easy tips you can do in order to always stay young and stay healthy. Health tips, here are 6 easy tips to stay young:
    1. Stress is one factor that can accelerate the aging person. Tips you can do that is by doing meditation for 10 minutes a day to sit in a place that you think is the most quiet, close your eyes, relax all the muscles, and breathe deeply.
    2. By eating foods that contain omega-3. These foods are salmon, walnuts and whole grains. This is because, of foods that contain omega-3 can help you to prevent the signs of aging. Function of omega-3 are actually keeping you in order to remain always healthy and always make your skin glow. When age is an adult then the signs of aging start to appear. Not only on your skin but also began loosening the muscles of your spine. So exercise is healthy tips that can tighten your muscles bones. You can do aktvitas exercise by walking or other physical activity for 20 minutes a day or a week. Its main function is to tighten muscles and make your bones to be healthy. The following tips are to do yoga, yoga is an activity where focus all five senses to control the mind and body as a whole. Function of this yoga is that it can also prevent the signs of premature aging and make you stay young. By eating a variety of foods that can make you more healthy and youthful look. One of these pomegranates. Pomegranate proved to have great benefits for our health. Pomegranate function of protecting the skin damage caused by UV rays, reduce levels of cholesterol in our body and also lower blood pressure and prevent you from various cancers that harm your body.
      At a young age then optimal brain will work to remember things. With as you get older, the ability of the brain would be even lower than when you were young. According to recent research, drinking one cup of green tea a day can improve your brain memory is starting to decline it.
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  • Good tips on health, entitled 6 tips to stay young and healthy can be beneficial to the reader. Finally, a warm greeting from the author. (Source: fitnessmagazine).
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    Eliminating Acne Scars Using Lemon

    Eliminating Acne Scars Using Lemon is Beauty Tips Tricks I'm going to share with readers. acne scars a result of acne any can be removed in a natural way, one of them with a mask of a lemon. If you are the acne scars dark, you can use lemon to enlighten him again. The way is easy and I will share this blog posted.

     Eliminating Acne Scars Using Lemon
    class="tr-caption" Lemon used to mask removal acne scars.

    lemon mask to Eliminate Acne Scars

    How to make a mask lemon to remove acne scars is naturally very easy. Follow the steps below to make it.

    1. Take fresh lemon.
    2. lemon Blend until smooth. Take Dab one teaspoon and kekapas. Cotton that has been spiked please apply to acne scars. Wait and let stand for 15 minutes. Rinse a used lemon from face you to clean. Perform routine and undoubtedly your skin free from acne scars and looks fresh.
    addition in a blender, you can use the fruit directly without in blender first. The trick is to rub into the meat of acne scars using lemon fruit slowly and wait and let stand for 15 minutes.

    Interesting and useful article about Acne Stone

    Here is a related article beauty tips tricks and acne scars

    1. Eliminate Acne Scars
    2. Eliminate Acne Scars Naturally Eliminating Acne Scars Using Lemon Eliminating Acne Scars Using Papaya Eliminate Acne Scars Using Pineapple Eliminating Acne Scars Using Water Rice

    Eliminate Acne Scars That's all about using lemon

    A few of my posts entitled Eliminate Acne Scars Using Lemon . Read also another interesting article entitled Eliminating Acne Scars Using Papaya. If anyone wants to ask, please ask through comments that have been provided below. Thanks buddy Punyatrik, do not forget to help me share this article Punyatrik ya buddy.

    About Acne Treatment and Healing

    About Acne Treatment and Healing - Almost every teenage acne. Acne is the most common skin disorder in many parts of the world, usually before their 20th anniversary, have started timbuh acne. Even mild cases can cause emotional disturbances, and severe cases can potentially cause Acne scars . Fortunately, there are a variety of acne treatments that have been tested and the remedy was available.

    Treatment and Healing in Acne

    Significance Acne
    Acne is mostly grown for four factors: excess oil in the sebaceous glands of skin, inflammation in the skin, the proliferation of acne-causing bacteria and clogged pores. Most of the acne treatments available to treat one or more of these four factors.

    Type Treatment and Healing
    without prescription acne treatments can treat all types of acne, from acne is mild to the most severe acne, but may be more effective to handle the type of mild acne. Most drugs can be found in stores contain benzoyl peroxide, a substance that can kill the bacteria that causes acne and also clear up acne lesions. Benzoyl peroxide has been used to treat acne for decades and is the most effective drug to a class of drugs without a prescription and OTC. But there are some effects of this drug is that it can cause dryness of the skin. Acetone and alcohol are also found in acne creams and lotions, and both have shown some effectiveness against acne penyebuhan.

    Type Treatment and Healing More Deep
    Some severe acne and regular tpengobatan not enough to treat the acne. In this case, dermatologists have prescribed various medications for severe acne and you could be attempting such treatment. Your doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics to clear the infection type or make acne medication benzoyl peroxide cream manifold stronger than what is available in the beauty shops. Prescription drugs to treat and cure severe acne ointment includes several types such as retinoids (the most famous is Retin-A or tretinoin), and drugs that can be taken such as isotretinoin. Isotretinoin is accompanied by the risk of serious side effects and should be done under strict supervision of expert doctors.

    Procedure Treatment and Healing
    doctor may combine the treatment of acne with procedures physically to overcome inflammation and cleanse the skin of acne. Laser therapy and light therapy is given in a series of treatments in a few months to completely cleanse the skin from acne attacks. Dermatologists themselves may also be doing the removal of whiteheads or blackheads are infected and also cystic acne.

    Prevention Acne / Acne Solutions
    Almost every case of acne can be treated. However, dermatologists warn in an effort to get rid of acne, even for mild acne, takes a long time. Each case of acne is different, and reacts to what people may not react to other people. In addition, some treatments, especially those that are available only through a doctor, also carries the risk of side effects. All treatments must be accompanied by carefully including acne prone skin gently wash twice a day with a soap that does not make your skin dry.

    That's all About Acne Treatment and Healing

    A few posts I titled About Acne Treatment and Healing . If anyone wants to ask, please ask via the comments that have been provided below. Thanks buddy Punyatrik, do not forget to help me share this article Punyatrik ya buddy.

    Friday, August 23, 2013

    Body Acne Treatment And Backs

    Treatment of acne in the body and back - in the body and back acne is triggered by the same factors as facial acne. However, there are some differences in treatment, especially when it comes to skin care. Knowing how to effectively treat body acne can help prevent acne and accelerate healing.

    Acne Treatment on Body As Well backs
    class="tr-caption" Acne grows in the body must be treated specifically.

    How to cure acne on the body

    1. Choose a gentle cleanser . Traditional soap may not be the best option, as it can dry out the skin and further irritate acne. Instead gunakalah fragrance-free mild soap such as Ivory or Dove. You can also get good results with a body wash with soap-the-counter products that are made specifically for body acne.
    2. Avoid brushing and body scrubs . Body acne can not be expelled by means buffed. In fact, you probably will do more harm when rubbed. Vigorous scrubbing of the skin follicles and aggravate inflammation can aggravate acne. Your best option is to carefully wash acne affected area with a soft cloth, or with your hands. Try soaking instead of using the shower . Soaking in warm water to loosen dead skin cells. Decay away from cellular debris helps keep the pores open and clear, reducing the possibility of blackheads. Some beauty experts recommend putting a cup of sea salt to the bath water to help heal inflamed lesions. Make sure the area remains tenrendam-acne under water for at least twenty minutes. Apply topical acne creams or medications . Topical creams can help exfoliate quickly and reduce the amount of bacteria that cause pimples and acne. If your body acne is mild, you can buy benzoyl peroxide lotion. Apply to dry skin twice a day. If your body acne is more severe, visit and consultation with your dermatologist. Doctors can decide and help determine the best topical medicine for you. Wear loose clothing natural fibers . Natural fibers, such as cotton, allowing your skin to breathe better because the holes bigger clothes fibers. Avoid tight clothing, constricting clothing and clothing that sticks to the skin. Stay away from scratchy materials like wool. These materials can irritate your skin.

    That's all Acne Treatments in Body And Back

    A few of my posts titled acne medication in the body and back. If anyone wants to ask, please ask via the comments that have been provided below. Thanks buddy Punyatrik, do not forget to help me share this article Punyatrik ya buddy.

    6 Dangers of Coffee for Your Health

    Hi, Friend, Health Tips. For some people, drinking a cup of coffee is a must in every activity they do. Various reasons are often colored it like to drive drowsiness as well as an encouragement to start their intensive activity that will be run. Drinking coffee in reasonable amounts is not bad for health. However, excessive coffee drinking can harm your health. So, what are the dangers of excessive drinking coffee when your health ...???

    Companions, health tips. Coffee has become one of the favorite drinks of our society. In addition to the distinctive aroma also tastes very delicious in our tongue. However, do not be lulled to it all. This is because a lot of bad effects of coffee if in excessive consumption. Health tips this time will address an article about 6 dangers of coffee for your health. Health tips, Here's 7 dangers of coffee for your health:
    1. first coffee that can cause heart beat faster than normal. For this reason, for those of you who have symptoms of heart attacks should avoid coffee drink or not to drink excessive amounts of coffee.
    2. For those of you who do not want to experience symptoms or heartburn, you should avoid the coffee beverage. This is because coffee drinks can increase stomach acid in a long period of time which can cause heartburn. excessive coffee drinking can lead to heart attack and stroke. This is because, excessive coffee consumption can increase kada triglycerides, bad cholesterol in the body as well as your blood will be thicker. This has lead to fatty deposits, narrowing of the blood vessels which can lead to heart attack and stroke. One of the reasons that a person drinking coffee to stay awake and not always easy sleepy. But it also makes the coffee is not good for your health. This is because, coffee consumption can cause problems symptoms of insomnia or disturbed sleep which is not good for your health. For pregnant women really are under no obligation to consume coffee. In this case taking 100 mg of caffeine per day can lead to miscarriage. This is because, the caffeine in coffee can increase heart rate and will affect the fetus which can invade the placenta and enter the fetal circulation. Consuming coffee can weaken your immune system. This is because, the caffeine in coffee can absorb minerals and vitamins needed by your body. Coffee drinks also make you rapidly lose body fluids. Try to drink two glasses of water after consuming a cup of coffee.
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    Good tips that address health hazards 6 coffee for your health can be useful for all readers. Finally, a warm greeting from the author. (Source: manfaatkopi, independent). Image courtesy of Aleks Melnik at

    Thursday, August 22, 2013

    7 Benefits of Warm Water Bath for Health

    Hi, friends health tips. Bath after a long day keeps the body refreshed. Mandi also make our body healthy and removes all dirt. So, if we do not shower for a day, as if itching all over the body.

    There are some people who like to shower with cold water, but some are more accustomed to the warm water bath hangat.Mandi turns over the recommended, than we shower with cold water. Is in because, with warm baths beneficial to our health. So what are the benefits that can be obtained from a warm water bath. Pal health tips, Here's Benefit Warm Water Bath for Health:

    1. With warm bath, the pores in our skin open so that our skin will look fresh and not dry.
    2. With a warm bath, can relieve a cough illness that is attacking us. This is due to the inhalation of hot money that comes from warm water is able to eliminate phlegm, which is the cause of irritation of the throat. With a warm bath, we can accelerate blood circulation, which is one of the blood circulation leading minds around us. So that we avoid the migraine With a warm bath, can help relieve the stress that struck our minds already filled with a myriad of problems that exist. With a shower warm water, can relieve diabetics. This is because, with a warm bath or soak for half an hour can lower the blood sugar levels for diabetics. With a warm bath, is believed to improve the heart health of our organs. With a warm bath, make a break or we will sleep more soundly. So that when you wake up, the body back to his best.
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  • Good health tips to review Benefits of Warm Water Bath for Health can be beneficial and useful to the reader. Finally, a warm greeting from the author. ( Source: From various blogger friends) .
    Image courtesy of winnond at

    7 Foods That Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

    Hi, Friend, Health Tips. The word cholesterol is probably not familiar to our ears. Did you know, cholesterol is one of the body fat, better known as lipids. As body fat, cholesterol turned out to have various functions in our bodies. Cholesterol as a function of body fat is as a constituent structures at the cell membrane, protecting the skin from toxins and dryness on the skin as well as the formation of vitamin D (with UV light).

    companions, health tips. Cholesterol does have several important functions in our body, if the cholesterol levels in your body to normal. But if your blood cholesterol or high rise. Then it can make a serious problem for the health of your body. Various health problems in the body such as erectile problems, kidney failure, and heart is the result of increased levels of cholesterol in your body. Therefore, health tips this time will address an article that may be useful to the reader. Companions, health tips, following 7 foods that can lower cholesterol levels in your body:
    1. first lowering cholesterol is tomatoes. Although categorized as fruits, tomatoes could help reduce levels of bad cholesterol in your body. You can make tomatoes a tasty tomato juice and drink two glasses of tomato juice a day is one of the best steps to lower cholesterol levels in the body.
    2. The second food is pomegranate. Pomegranates turned out very well too to lower cholesterol levels in your body. Benefits of pomegranate fruit itself is to reduce cholesterol and plaque buildup can increase the production of nitric oxide which can help in reducing plaque in the arteries. The next food is avocado. The avocado is one of the fruits that can raise levels of good cholesterol in your body. Because there are two types of cholesterol in our bodies is bad cholesterol or LDL and good cholesterol or HDL. The next food that is wine. Fruit wine was also very good to increase levels of good cholesterol in our body. Drink two glasses of grape juice every day is recommended to keep the cholesterol levels in your body. The fifth food is garlic. Although classified as spices or herbs, garlic but it is also very good for menurnkan levels of bad cholesterol in our body. Try eating a clove of garlic per day to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in your body. The next food is a variety of processed soy foods such as tofu and tempeh. Both of these foods are also very good for lowering bad cholesterol levels in your body. Another benefit is that we can get both these foods are rich in protein as well. seventh namely food legumes such as peanuts, walnuts, almonds. The beans turned out very good for lowering bad cholesterol levels in your body. This is because these nuts contain a lot of Omega-3 fats and antioxidants.
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  • Good health tips discussed 7 foods that lower cholesterol levels in your body can be useful to readers of this blog. Finally, a warm greeting from the author. (Source: majalahkesehatan, tabloidnova).
    Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at