Monday, August 19, 2013

Tips Eliminate Acne Natural Stone

Tips eliminate acne naturally stone may already be familiar to some people, because at this point of course is very easily obtained from a variety of media, which is the traditional way and using natural materials allows for everyone to be able to do her own at home because of its natural ingredients easily available around us.

Tips to Eliminate Acne Natural stone

Doing care naturally with the traditional way of helping you to avoid infection and harmful chemicals contained in cosmetics beauty for those of you who used to use cosmetic beauty.

Here are tips to eliminate acne naturally stone

Eggs - Eggs are a very good addition for consumption also has its many benefits and uses. As for the issue of this one white egg is very useful to remove acne, remove scars and acne can be stubborn. The trick is, combine egg whites and honey, with a dose of 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of honey, and apply on pimples, leave to dry and then rinse face and wash off.

Turmeric and Lime - Plant crops this one can be used to cure acne, turmeric efficacious to reduce the inflammation and infection of the acne has a soothing effect on the skin. The trick is, saffron puree until smooth and turn into a gel-like, then mix with the lime juice and added with honey, then apply this medicine on the pimple, let stand approximately twenty minutes, after that rinse your face clean hinga.

Potatoes - potatoes known to contain alkali which destroys cystic acne, which is caused by the blockage of skin pores due to dirt mixed with oil. Use raw potato as a mask, the way is to smooth the potatoes, could use a blender or shredded, then after apply evenly to smooth over the face and leave for 25 minutes, after that rinse your face thoroughly using warm water.

Everyone certainly want to have a smooth face and free from acne. Take care of your face as early as possible to avoid cystic acne, because the type of acne is very severe and can cause black spots on the skin of the face such as the former is very difficult to eradicate smallpox in the future. Thus some tips eliminate cystic acne naturally is simple above, may be helpful and useful to you all.

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